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  Dear friends:

  Today, through China Media Group, I send the best holiday wishes to all my fellow countrymen, home and abroad, for the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year and Tibetan Calendar New Year.

  The past year has witnessed more sedimentary accretion in human civilization, more interactions in global development, various achievement or improvement in every family and new insights and sublimation in every individual's mind.

  I hope that in the new year, we can make good use of the great situation of the development of the times, science and technology progress, peace and tranquility, enrich our hearts, make our society better and make people of all nationalities happier.

  With my heart, I wish and pray for world peace, harmony of society, the happiness of families, and the serenity of people's hearts. Thank you. Tashi Delek.

任丘市| 拉萨市| 德兴市| 长白| 思茅市| 彭泽县| 张家港市| 辽中县| 怀安县| 沐川县| 东宁县| 大同市| 延吉市| 商城县| 永靖县| 海原县| 阿瓦提县| 肇源县| 五河县| 北碚区| 高要市| 大丰市| 四会市| 施秉县| 车致| 五常市| 鄂托克前旗| 柯坪县| 宝山区| 永福县| 青铜峡市| 井研县| 平顶山市| 广东省| 贵溪市| 灵山县| 自治县| 大埔区| 陆良县| 酒泉市| 林芝县|