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發(fā)布時間:2024-04-12 08:45:00來源: 中國新聞網

  近日,巴西坎皮納斯州立大學和圣卡塔琳娜聯邦大學兩校領導及巴西各界人士組成了教育訪華團應邀到訪北京。期間,巴西坎皮納斯州立大學校長安東尼奧·梅雷萊斯 (Antonio Joséde Almeida Meirelles)接受中國新聞網采訪時表示,巴中兩國在科技領域的交流與合作,對于巴西整體的發(fā)展很重要。他提到,中國致力于發(fā)展科技、提升創(chuàng)新能力,巴中兩國可以就這些方面互相學習借鑒,共享發(fā)展成果。此外,他還強調:“在巴西與其他國家的貿易往來中,與中國的貿易最為重要。這對巴西的國家及經濟(發(fā)展)來說至關重要?!?黃方)

  Recently, an education group of Brazilian university leaders and representatives from other walks of life were invited to visit Beijing. During the visit, Antonio Joséde Almeida Meirelles, the rector of the State University of Campinas, said in an interview with China News Network that the cooperation between Brazil and China concentrating on science and technology is crucial for the overall development of Brazil.

  Antonio noted that as China is committed to developing science and technology and enhancing innovation capacity, Brazil and China can learn from each other in these aspects, and share the fruits of development.

  Additionally, he emphasized, "We already have the most important trade from Brazil to other countries, which is the trade with China. And this is something very important for our country and the economy of our country."

(責編: 王東)


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