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發(fā)布時間:2023-11-20 08:58:00來源: 中國新聞網(wǎng)

  當?shù)貢r間11月15日,中國國家主席習近平在美國舊金山斐洛里莊園同美國總統(tǒng)拜登舉行中美元首會晤。美國《中國政治學雜志》副主編、華東師范大學政治與國際關系學院教授約瑟夫·馬奧尼(Josef Mahoney)在接受中國新聞網(wǎng)專訪時表示,中美元首會晤的成功舉辦為美國工商界傳遞了明確的信息,他們都意識到中國政府正積極推行政策鼓勵消費。對外國企業(yè)來說,加入中國市場既是期望,又是需求。中國方面將持續(xù)打造公平的競爭環(huán)境,對國外企業(yè)保持開放。(陳天浩)

  On November 15 local time, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden held a summit meeting at the Filoli Estate, San Francisco. During an exclusive interview with China News Network, Josef Mahoney, professor of Politics and International Relations at East China Normal University said that the China-U.S. summit meeting gave a very clear messaging to the U.S. business leaders. Mahoney further pointed out that the U.S. businesses understand that they are in the era of policy supports from the Chinese government to increase domestic consumption, so they want to, and need to, be part of the Chinese market. China will pay more attention to concerns about a level-playing field and will always be a welcome place for foreign businesses.

(責編: 王東)


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